Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatments of Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is treatable. Following are some treatments of Sleep Apnea that can relieve stress and tension. Further it can you and your spouse to get better sleep quality. Get professional advice from your doctor for the best treatment on you.

Treatments of Sleep Apnea depends on the type of Sleep Apnea .
For having Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the most basic instruction is to sleep on the side not on your back.
For Sleep Apnea with overweight, the first step is to reduce weight. Sleep on the side not on your back.
For Sleep Apnea with Alcohol and Smoking habit, the first step is to reduce and gradually stop drinking and smoking.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure)
If you find your snoring at a much serious stage, you can use machinery to use a mask blowing air through your nose and preventing disruption of breathing and help reduce snoring. The constant flow of air pressure from the mask can prevent the collapse of your airway when you breathe. It is the most common used for Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients. The CPAP machine set pressure accordingly to the user needs to prevent the collapse of your airway.

Mouthpiece Devices
If you have a mild Sleep Apnea , your can use the mouthpiece devices to keep your tongue in place and so keeping your airway open. This kind of dental device is custom-made fitted by your own dentist and placed in your mouth at night to hold the lower jaw and tongue forward. It will pull your lower jaw or tongue forward and create enough space in your throat to prevent breathing obstruction. Or it can be correct though surgery or by using patented devices that help keep the jaws in their proper positions.

Mandibular advancement splints, Nose Clips and Nasal Pillow
If you have a mild Sleep Apnea , your can use Mandibular advancement splints and Nose Clips to help increase the breadth of the air passage and thus reducing snoring. The devices such as adhesive strips which help to hold the airways open of your nose and the plastic devices to hold open your nostrils
You can also use nasal pillow which is a nose plug to keep the airways in the nasal passage open.

Radio frequency procedure
By using radio waves, it can shrink the throat tissue or tongue tissue and make more space in your throat.
A doctor use a special needle (electrode) connected to a radio frequency generator and pierces your tongue, throat or soft palate.

There are various surgeries such as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) helps to remove throat tissues or correcting abnormalities. It will then help to improve the airway for your easy breathing.
There are many different types of surgery for treating Sleep Apnea . Get professional advices from your doctor before you consider a surgery. It is important to talk to your doctor about the risks before you opt for a surgery.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

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