10 TIPS to Stop Snoring – For the Snorer and Their Spouse

10 TIPS to Stop Snoring – For the Snorer and Their Spouse

Are you deciding to sleep in a separate room to avoid Snoring problem?
Or Have you already sleep in a separate room?

If you, you should have realize that the romance has gone out of your relationship once sleeping in separate bedroom. Somehow you find missing his body next to you and your nightly chats, Right ! Because of the lack of bedtime chatting and physical intimacy, it may finally lead to a strained relationship.

If you treasure your spouse / bed partner, you can do something to save the relationship. Following are 10 simply TIPS to Stop Snoring.

TIPS No.1 -- Lose weight and stop smoking – Without Cost !!
If Snoring is caused by either Overweight and Smoking, it is the most easiest way to work through it. For Overweight, we can reduce our obese conditional and make sure that no fat formation around our throat area. For Smoker, we shall start reducing or stopping smoking. It can then avoid further weakening of our throat by smoking.

TIPS No.2 – Avoid Alcohol and Fatty products before bed -- Without Cost !!
Alcohol is a muscle relaxant which can cause the relaxation of throat muscles and worsen Snoring. Avoid high-fat dairy milk products before sleeping as the fatty retained in the throat which more likely lead to Snoring.

TIPS No.3 -- Sleep Posture Correction – Without Cost !!
Do you sleep on your back? If so, you are probably worsen the Snoring problem as your tongue will slip back into the throat and cause the blockage of airway. Simply by making yourself sleep on your side can stop the Snoring. How to work with sleeping on back, simply sew a socket on your pajamas and stick a tennis ball in it during bedtime. Easy and simple, Right!! Or you can try various kinds of pillows and strap-on devices to help you unsupine.

TIPS No.4 – Elevate your head – Without Cost !!
Pillow can block the airway by bending the neck, try without using a pillow. Or try various kinds of specially-designed pillow for snorers.

TIPS No.5 -- Throat Sprays and Nasal Sprays – Cheap Way !!
Throat spray can coat the soft tissues of the throat with lubricating oils. While nasal sprays can reduce congestion or the swelling of nasal tissues. They both allow the air to move more freely and lessening the noisy vibration.

TIPS No.6 -- Nose Strip – Cheap Way !!
It applied externally and is a kind of cheap device nose strip which help increase the breadth of the air passage and thus reducing Snoring. The devices such as adhesive strips which help to hold the airways open of your nose and the plastic devices to hold open your nostrils

TIPS No.7 -- Mouthpiece Devices
If Snoring is caused by a misalignment of the jaws, the jaws can be realigned by some custom-made fitted by own dentist. It will pull the lower jaw or tongue forward and create enough space in throat to prevent breathing obstruction. Or it can be correct though surgery or by using patented devices that help keep the jaws in their proper positions.

TIPS No.8 -- CPAP (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure)
You can use machinery with the mask blowing air through your nose and preventing disruption of breathing and help reduce Snoring.

TIPS No.9 -- Surgery
There are various surgeries such as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) helps to remove throat tissues or correcting abnormalities. It will then help to improve the airway for your easy breathing.

TIPS No.10 -- Medical Cures and Treatments
If you cannot find out the cause of your Snoring, you can seek professional advices from your doctor. Or if you would like to try a dental appliance for your Snoring, you can consult your dentist.
Finding a cure for the Snoring problem can result in an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones. Try the above TIPS to prevent or alleviate the Snoring.

10 TIPS to Stop Snoring – For the Snorer and Their Spouse

Read My Latest Posts on Topics: Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Snoring,Sleep Disorders!


RAM said...

Hi I came across your blog...Really Cool :-) Snoring is a bigger issue in relationships than what many of my friends and experts had originally thought. Snoring is a real problem that at times can separate a couple within their own home and eventually break up a marriage or relationship without really knowing that snoring was the original underlying culprit. Visit also my site and see some other cool stuff for people who snore!

SoloForge said...

Hi, I write at how to stop snoring naturally or stop snoring exercise program