How do I know if I have insomnia?

How do I know if I have insomnia?

Many of us do not sleep well at night, but we have no idea whether we have insomnia or not. Accordingly to the sleep scientists, if we cannot fall asleep, stay asleep or go back to sleep, we feel tired and deprived from the benefits of sleep, we are said to have insomnia.

The 3 prime symptoms of insomnia recognized by the sleep scientists: If you are experience any of the below 3 symptoms, or all or any combination, you are said to have insomnia.

Sleep onset insomnia (difficulty getting off to sleep): It is characterized by the inability to fall asleep. Normally an adult takes 8 to 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you are taking more than 30 minutes but still trying to fall asleep, you are experiencing the sleep onset insomnia.

Sleep maintenance insomnia (persistent waking up): It is characterized by the inability to stay asleep. It is usually experienced in the middle of the night which take about an hour to 2 hours. This waking up in the middle of night can happen frequently throughout the night.

Early morning insomnia (early morning waking): It is characterized by the early awakening that can causes people to wake up 1 to 4 hours before our normal waking time.

How bad is my insomnia?
Usually when people with sleep disorders visit the clinic, they will asked them to fill up a questionnaire that map out their sleep history. Thus the simplest way find out how bad is your insomnia is to keep a 1 to 2 weeks sleep dairy which will give a revealing and more accurate snapshot of your insomnia. Your sleep dairy can provide your sleep specialist additional information that need to assist you in improving your sleep.

How to start your Sleep Dairy
The Sleep dairy can keep track of the following
sleep time
wake up time
sleep quality
medication taken
how long take you to fall asleep
how many time you wake up
how long you wake up
total hours of sleep
your own sleep rating

How do I know if I have insomnia?

Read My Latest Posts on Topics: Sleep Apnea,Insomnia,Snoring,Sleep Disorders!


Anonymous said...

Xanax is indeed one of the highly sought after anti-anxiety medications but while using Xanax, you should be cautious of xanax side-effects and certain xanax withdrawal symptoms. The side-effects triggered off by Xanax gradually disappear over time and as far as the withdrawal symptoms of xanax are concerned, it is worth noting that you are likely to become a victim of xanax withdrawal symptoms if you use xanax for a longer period of time. Some of the xanax withdrawal symptoms are panic attacks, extreme anxiety, headache et al and as soon as you fall prey to these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. /

Unknown said...

Interesting. I have an early morning insomnia then, but what's more interesting is that my graveyard work dictates me to sleep during the day so I should call it early rise insomnia.

Online Generic Medicine said...
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