Beat Insomnia - Relaxation Techniques

Beat Insomnia - Relaxation Techniques

Look for a technique that targets your body which you have most stress and tension, it can help relieve your body and interferes with a good night’ sleep.

Abdominal Breathing
This is a type of voluntary control of breathing. First breath normally, observe the rhythm and then start your deep breathing.
- To start your deep breathing, lie down comfortably
- Gently put your hand on your stomach
- Slowly take a deep breath. It should be breath from the bottom of your stomach
- Now feel it with the air
- Your stomach muscles should raise up
- Slowly breath in it which should take about 5 seconds
- Slowly let the air go out and take about 5 seconds
- Continuous this steps 2 to 3 times in a row
- After the 2 to 3 time deep breathing go back to your normal breathing for 1 to 2 minutes
- Now you can carry on with the deep breathing steps again
- Repeat this deep breathing and normal breathing cycle a feel times

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
- This is an exercise of tensing your muscle and then relaxing it and letting your body know how you feel tense and how you can release the tense.
- To start your progressive muscle relaxation, lie down comfortably
- Focus your attention on one of your hand
- Clench your hand into a fist, squeeze it hard for 5 seconds
- Now open your fist and release all the tension in your hand muscle
- By practicing this tense up and release exercise, you body and mind can learn how to release all inside stress and tension easily
You are highly recommend to learn the relaxation techniques before actually sleep time to avoiding fail attempt on these relaxation techniques to affect you sleep. Remember always stay calm when starting the technique, you can feel the effects of the relaxation rather than the technique itself.

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Beat Insomnia - Relaxation Techniques


Online Generic Medicine said...
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sahrenity said...

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